Artist Spotlight: Edmond Yang

Edmond Yang

Edmond Yang is an independent Art Director & Designer based in Norway. He's been crafting beautiful visual experiences since 2001.

He launched his career as a graphic designer serving clients around Scandinavia. He expanded his knowledge to different areas to deliver holistic branding, communication, and design projects.
What keeps you going as an artist?

In my daily life as a creative director, you solve problems for clients, how to sell products and services, and how to sell the vision to the consumers. I think it is very important to have a creative outlet on the side that is very different from the commercial aspect of my daily life. You work more towards yourself rather than external. I need to have some projects on the side. When I get good feedback, it keeps me going forward in the arts. 
Has there been an experience that changed the way you see the world?

Yes and no. I think travelling a lot has given me a lot of perspectives. I always go back to food—I'm a foodie. I love Japan! The culture is so different from the rest of Asia. Meeting other different people and mindsets as well. It is a cliche, but it gives you a better understanding of culture and how you're doing. As a foodie, I often wonder why certain cultures eat certain things in different parts of the world. I think it boils down to the resources and context of the area. I try to have a deeper understanding of the world as well. I like to embrace the differences. I try to understand why it is the way it is. When I got divorced 2 years ago, it brought some perspective into my art. Some of the dystopian elements you saw in my digital art are my take on not taking things for granted, I guess. 
Where do an entrepreneur and an artist blend? How do they work together?
I have gotten a lot of feedback about it. I've been doing a lot of freelancing for the past 20 years! I'm a very commercial guy. I think very business-wise rather than abstract or artistic. I have a unique combination and position to do both (business and artist wise). I always try to marry these together—how to put an artistic thing into business and inject art into a business. 
Which medium do you resonate with the most? 
I'm into digital art at the moment. I also started oil painting this year, it's more tactile, and I want to combine them in the future. I like the mixture of digital art and (traditional) painting. 
Has your upbringing influenced your work?
Showcasing Chinese/Asian culture in the arts in Norway. A lot of influence on Asian culture and western mix. I consider myself more Chinese than Norwegian because of growing up in culture, our food, speaking Cantonese at home, even media (consumption). A lot of that has influenced me as an artist. Everything you make is of one's mind. So there's a substantial influence on my thinking, character and how I project it onto the work I make.
Why do you think platforms/initiatives like NCC's Artist Spotlight are essential?

Most of all, I want to do more cultural building with different cultures. Secondly, I love Singapore. I cannot wait to come back! I hope it will give me some exposure in Singapore as a Norwegian artist. And hopefully, I can do more projects between the cultures. 

What personality trait do you have that has been most helpful in your art career?
From the feedback I've got from others, I tend to adapt quite well in different situations and contexts, such as being an entrepreneur, an artist, a commercial artist. You have to sell yourself, your work, even your journey as a freelancer. I am an introvert—in a large group, I tend to get exhausted by people. I am indifferent to people, but I'll socialize and network if I must and because sometimes it's interesting. A very typical artist trait! As a businessman, I need to be out there. I need to do that thing. I'm a Scorpio—I adapt to situations.

Thank you so much for sharing!
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